해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hiboy S2 Pro Electric Scooter, 500W Motor, 10" Solid Tires, 25 Miles Range, 19 Mph Folding Commuter Electric Scooter for Adults (Optional Seat)

상품번호 B086N23QBD
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상품가격 $399.99
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Powerful Motor & Long Battery Life: The 500W electric brushless hub motor allows for speeds up to 19mph. High capacity battery (36V/11.6AH) with a Max travel range of up to 25.6 miles under specific conditions, and max load of 220 lbsUpgrade Your Commuting: Hiboy S2 Pro electric scooters front and rear wheel equipped with 10-inch solid tires and rear dual shock absorbers provide max comfort, even on rough surfaces or speed bumps.Safety with Hiboy Scooter: Hiboy e-scooter features the ultra-bright headlights with a range of up to 15 meters to enhance safety. And double braking system features a disc braking and eABS regenerative anti-lock braking.Perfect for Commute and Travel: Hiboy e-scooter collapses for easy storage in car trunks and other compact spaces. Extra detachable scooter’s seat is available for a more comfortable option. (Seat NOT included)Hiboy S2 App: Simply connect Hiboy electric scooter\'s app to lock your scooter, to customize the scooter acceleration and braking responses.Quality Guarantee: Hiboy S2 Pro electric scooter equipped with more powerful performance, become your best commuting or outdoor travel companion. 12-month or 6-month Guarantee for different parts, please refer to the product details below.
Tips: Kindly note that if there is any accessory replacement needed, please feel free to contact us. Specifications: Item Weight: 36.3 lbs Max. Load: 220 lbs Max. Speed: 13 mph and 19 mph (Double speed modes) Max. Range: 20-25 miles Motor: 500W brushless motor Battery: Lithium-Ion 36 V, 11.6 Ah Battery charge time: 6-8 hours Tires: 10-inch rubber solid tires Unfolded Dimensions: 45.3*16.5*47.6inch Folded Dimensions: 45.3*16.5*19.3inch Package Contents: 1 X Assembled Electric Scooter, 1 X Charger, 4 X Screws, 1 X Hexagon Wrench, 1 X User Manual. Electric Scooter One Button Functions: One tap - turn on/off the front and rear lights. Two tap - Shift the mold between high/low-speed mode. Any questions, please feel free to let us know, Hiboy will respond within 24 hours, thanks.

2024-07-11 19:49:41

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