해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Putting Green Turf (0.47" Custom Size) Multi-use Artificial Grass Carpet Indoor/Outdoor Rug, Golf Hitting Practice Mat in Home,Backyard

상품번호 B086YPCKNQ
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상품가격 $240.99
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PolyethyleneMade in the USA or ImportedPREMIUM QUALITY: Made of the highest quality UV resistant polyethylene yarns, resistant synthetic material high temperature, superior resilience & durability. Rubber back with drainage holes ensure water go through and dry quickly.GOLF TRAINING: Train on fresh, natural-looking, and soft feeling artificial grass carpet all year long.Don\'t need to go to professional sport club and golf course everytime,excellent for the professional golfer or beginner golfer to practice their golf swing.MULTI USE: Not only used as golf putting green mat, our artificial turf also could be indoor/outdoor rug, laid on patio, backyard, deck,pool area, dog area, door entrance,etc.SAVE TIME & MONEY: No mowing, no watering, no spraying, no fertilizing, So you could spend more time to enjoy the green with your family and pets.EASY INSTALLATION:Just need to Choose an area and roll out the grass!You also could cut the grass to fit the area needed and it won\'t cause any shred.
PRODUCT FEATURES:(a) Made of the highest quality UV resistant polyethylene yarns, resistant synthetic material high temperature, superior resilience and durability. (b) Rubber backed with drainage hole,easy to clean and can be dry quickly.(c) Easy cut to fit any area needed and no shred.MULTI USE:(a) Putting green turf--It could be put in your backyard or home for playing and trainning, do not need to go to professional sport club and golf course everytime,excellent for the professional golfer or beginner golfer to practice their golf swing.(b) Indoor and outdoor rug--It could be used as indoor or outdoor carpet, laid on patio, garden, backyard,deck, balcony,pool area, kids play area, pet area,door entrance etc.(c) Gym or Sports Mat--It could be used on baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, softball, tennis, badminton, baseball, football, tennis, badminton, polo, lawn bowing greens, croquet and any recreational area.EASY INSTALLATION:Roll the artificial grass mat out and fill it in the area needed, rubber back will grab the ground well.

2024-06-06 12:45:52

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