해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bach Original Flower Remedies, Clarity of Mind Kit, For Focus and Mindfulness, Natural Homeopathic Flower Essence, Holistic Wellness, Vegan, 3 x 20mL Droppers

상품번호 B086ZGRQD4
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상품가격 $25.49
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BOXED SET OF 3 DROPPERS: Includes full-size droppers of Bach homeopathic flower essences. Can be taken individually or as a personalized blend. Great for gifting!WHITE CHESTNUT: Encourages the positive potential to find tranquility and peace of mindCLEMATIS: Encourages the positive potential to be present and stay focused on the task at handSCLERANTHUS: Encourages the positive potential of certainty and decisivenessTRUSTED WORLDWIDE FOR 85+ YEARS: Developed by Dr. Bach, the 38 Flower Remedies correspond to a different mood state, and together form a holistic system to support wellnessSATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Covered by the Nelsons 45-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Additional terms apply. See below for details
Have Clarity of Mind. Take a breath. Be mindful in the moment. Contains 3 full-size Bach® Original Flower Remedies: White Chestnut, Scleranthus, Clematis. Can be taken individually (approximately 380 doses per bottle), or as a blend. Covered by the Nelsons 45-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your Bach® or Rescue® product purchased from its authorized seller, you may request a refund or replacement product. Because Nelsons is unable to control the quality of products sold by unauthorized sellers, unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Guarantee is not available for products purchased from unauthorized sellers. The Guarantee applies only to original, end-user purchaser in the United States. Guarantee claim must be made within 45 days of purchase. You are required to furnish proof of purchase. Nelsons reserves the right to deny guarantee coverage in cases of suspected fraud or abuse.

2024-04-04 17:26:08

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