해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Govee Bluetooth Hygrometer Thermometer, Large LCD, Max/Min Records, 2-Year Data Storage - Black, 2 Pack

상품번호 B0872X4H4J
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상품가격 $24.99
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Easy to Use: Simply download the Govee Home app, search for and select H5075, and pair the room thermometer hygrometer successfully within minutes. With a 196ft/60m Bluetooth range, you\'ll be notified of any temperature humidity changes immediately.Accuracy: Built in Swiss made smart temperature humidity sensor, the temperature is accurate to ±0.54°F while humidity is ±3%RH. It provides highly precise monitoring. Up to 2S refresh speed always gives you the latest changes in the environment.Large LCD Display: The hygrometer offers realtime temp/humidity reading with large numbers and max/min records on a 3 inch LCD screen, comes with 3 level comfort indicators dry/comfort/wet, keeping you aware of the house situation with just a glance.Smart App Alert: You\'ll receive a notification alert once the temperature or humidity is out of preset range. It can help you effectively adjust the situation of your home, garage, baby nursery, room, wine cellar, basement or other places in time.Free Data Storage: It features 20 days online data storage. You are able to view recent temperature and humidity records. Curve graph displaying brings you a clear data-changing track. You can export the latest 2 years data to CSV format at any time.

2024-09-05 10:43:16

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