해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Taeku Soccer Trainer Adjustable Football Kick Training Equipment Control Skills Waist Practice Belt Volleyball Rugby Trainer Aid Universal Fits Size 3, 4, 5 Footballs for Kids Teens

상품번호 B088THSY28
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?High-Quality Material: Made of thicker wetsuit material and wider elastic rope design, durable and elastic, can withstand tens of thousands of rebounds. Unlike traditional training equipment, with a restrained belt, nylon buckle and high-quality elastic rope, you will no longer waste time chasing the ball, you can focus on the ball and concentrate on practice.?Adjustable Characteristics: The 6-foot kinetic elastic rope can be stretched to 16 feet, perfectly changing the length of the ball that will be kicked out. If you practice shooting, you can adjust the elastic rope to 6 feet at rest, if you practice ball control, adjust the elastic rope to 3 feet. The adjustment range of the belt is 24 "-36", suitable for people of all ages, suitable for different environments, such as backyards, parks, streets, etc. It is an excellent football training aid for?This football kick training device will maximize your ability. The wrapping strap is composed of 4 nylon straps, two of which can adjust the elasticity. It is very suitable for single training and makes you from head to toe. Control the ball, build skills such as kicking, shooting, passing, catching, juggling, and throwing the ball.⚽Suitable for different ball sizes: Flexible for balls of different sizes, suitable for balls 3, 4, and 5; it is also suitable for volleyball and rugby. It is portable and easy to operate, and children can complete the installation and training by themselves. You can practice and train anywhere. Both indoor and outdoor can be used, but it is not recommended to practice at home, you will be considered a troublemaker.?Best Gift: Taeku football training accessories will be a good gift for children, boys, girls, students, teenagers and adults. Both forwards and midfielders can use football training to improve their ability to control the ball. They can prepare for each game anytime, anywhere, and gain more playing ability.

2024-05-16 18:04:49

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