해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Fving 16 Pcs Carving Tools Set, Wood Chisels with Canvas Case,Gouges and Woodworking Chisel with Sharpening Stone Wooden Blocks for Beginners Professionals Wood Carving Kit

상품번호 B0895KC5CJ
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상품구분 Arts, Crafts & Sewing / Crafting
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $25.99
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Start Your Project – This wood carving set features 14 versatile wood carving chisels with sharpening stone and wooden blocks you need to start any beginner woodworking project: relief carvings, wood spirits, house signs, caricature figures, bowls and spoons.Durable Whittling Kit: Sharp blades make wood carving knife easy and comfortable to use. Wooden handles have copper plate caps that hold the blades in place,so they are hard to crack or deform.16 pcs Carving Tool Has its Value: The whittling knife set comes with a canvas case for storage and carrying easily. sharpening stone can prevent the blade from rusting, making it glossier and sharper. Wooden blocks can help you carve better.Carve Longer: Our wood carving tools are made from high-quality alloy chromium-vanadium steel , so blades will hold an edge for a long time and won\'t dull quickly with repeated use.Widely Used: This wood carving set is suitable for detailed woodworking projects or wood carving ; suitable as a gift for your friends and relatives who love woodworking projects; an ideal gift for professional craftsmen, DIY enthusiasts, and artists
Wood Carving Tools Set of 16 Chisels with Canvas Case,Gouges and Woodworking Chisel Set with Sharpening Stone and Wooden Blocks for Beginners Professionals, Wood Carving Kit

2024-06-06 22:00:51

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