해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
400 Thread Count Cotton - King Size Sheet Set - 100% Cotton Sheets - 400-Thread-Count - Sateen Cotton - Deep Pocket Cotton Bed Sheets - Silky & Soft Cotton - Hotel Quality Cotton Sheet for King Beds

상품번호 B089ZY5RRW
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상품가격 $59.99
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400 THREAD COUNT KING SHEETS: 100% cotton king sheets that are exceptionally soft to the touch. At CGK we went through great lengths to produce the softest cotton sheets at 400 thread count, providing you with affordable luxury-quality sheets. Made in India, woven with a high-quality sateen weave & long staple cotton yarns, these all-cotton sheets provide the true & natural cotton feel that people have enjoyed for years.DEEP POCKET COTTON KING SHEETS: Our king size deep-pocket 400 thread count cotton sheets are specifically designed to give you the perfect fit for mattresses up to 16-inches tall. Say goodbye to fitted sheets sliding off of your mattress, or not wrapping around your pillow top mattress properly! Our deep pocket king sheet set includes a fitted sheet with stretchable elastic so that it will easily fit most large mattresses. Perfect for extra tall & large mattresses!NATURAL 100% COTTON SHEETS: Our sheets are made in India with 100% Natural Cotton to ensure the best quality for our customers. The natural long-staple cotton yarns are what give these sheets their extra soft and durable qualities. Because they have no synthetic fibers they will get softer with each wash, stay fresh, and provide you with a luxurious and healthy sleep for years to come! Great gift idea for men, women, children & teens.KEEP COOL WITH BREATHABLE COTTON: These Sateen Weave Cotton Sheets have a silky smooth feel, and a comfortable weight that hugs your body. Cool, comfortable and very soft, all while maintaining a bit of crispness, these CGK Linens are well loved by our customers. If you\'re a hot sleeper and need cooling bed sheets, then our moisture wicking, all natural cotton sheets will be great for you!PEACE OF MIND: Our team’s first priority is keeping you happy with your purchase! We are passionate about what we do and proud of the products we offer. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be quick to respond!

2024-05-14 22:05:20

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