해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sierra Concepts 2-Pack Front Door Mat Ribbed Black - Indoor Outdoor Floor Doormat Entryway Welcome Mats - Entrance Shoe Scraper, Entry Inside Outside Garage, 30" x 17"

상품번호 B08BJGL9L2
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Outdoor Décor
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상품가격 $25.98
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Includes 2 Indoor Outdoor Floor Mats: Enjoy two amazing heavy duty high quality ribbed polyester door mats (30" x 17") that will be perfect welcome for the everyday home. Amazing value 2-Pack Steel Black Color.Durable, Safe & Easy Maintenance: Cleaning and maintaining your indoor outdoor rug mat has never been so easy. Shake the mat, sweep the rug, or hose off and dry the entryway mat - it\'s that simple.Environmentally Friendly Doormats: The large mats are made of high quality polyester and PVC and includes non slip PVC backing which prevents moisture leaks while keeping the mat in place.Ideal Mat Use: Indoor, outdoor, kitchen, side, front door, entryway, hall, patio, garage, laundry, bathroom, or any location that sees a good amount of foot traffic. Perfect for keeping your floors clean as the ribbed material helps scrape dirt and debris from shoes.Please Read: We advise customers to measure your area before purchasing. This door mat is apx. 30" wide x 17"x tall.

2024-06-06 17:05:32

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