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3T6B Grams Digital Kitchen Measuring Spoon,Three Different Specifications Food Scale Spoon with Scale Design, Weight from 0.1 Grams to 500 Grams Support Unit g/oz/gn/ct (with 2 AAA Batteries)

상품번호 B08BLB81T4
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상품가격 $16.45
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High-quality Material Our electric /electronic measuring spoon with scale is made of stainless steel + ABS environmentally friendly plastic. Beautiful appearance, special surface treatment.Detachable Spoons with Scale¡¿Gram Measuring Spoon equipped with three detachable spoons for easy cleaning. The capacities are 180ML for large tablespoons, 45ML for medium tablespoons, and 25ML for small tablespoons. The scale is marked on the spoon to measure the volume.Intelligent It has functions of peeling, mode switch, auto shut-off, auto-lock reading, low battery, and overload indication. Comes with two AAA batteries, can be used for 1-2 months.Modes Function The measuring spoon scale can be converted into various weight units to meet your different needs, including g/oz/gn/ct.Multiple Uses Ideal for weighing flour, butter, cream, tea or spices when cooking or baking.This digital spoon scale is very suitable for your kitchen and daily diet design.

2024-06-09 19:43:55

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