해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
POP SANITARYWARE Brushed Nickel Tub and Shower Faucet Set, Shower System with Tub Spout, Shower Trim Kit with Rough-in Valve

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상품가격 75.90
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PREMIUM QUALITY MATERIALS: This shower set contains only top-quality, carefully selected metal parts, guaranteed to last for years regardless of intensive use. The Stainless Steel and Brass combination are non-corrosive, and Brushed Nickel give an elegant look to any bathroom decor!AIR INJECTION TECHNOLOGY: Save up to 30% on water with the innovative air injection technology, which is also ideal for noise reduction. The water and air mixture is a perfect solution for areas with low water pressure! Enjoy your shower with the rain.EASY INSTALLATION: This shower kit requires no special skills or effort for installing and are compatible with any kind of plumbing. Order with confidence and install the 8" rainfall shower head near the concealed water pipe in your bathroom!PRODUCT INCLUDES: shower mixer control valve (brass), 3 setting handheld shower head(ABS), 8 Inch Ultra-thin Rainfall Shower head(SUS 304 stainless steel), waterfall tub spout(brass, quickly make water full your bathtub in about 15 minutes), shower arm(Brass), 59 inch shower hose(stainless steel), shower holder(Brass).WARRANTY: 5 years warranty, If there are any problems with the quality.We will send the free replacement to you. Any questions,pls contact us. CUPC certification, Products are in compliance with the following standard(s): ASME A112.18.1-2018/CSA B125.1-18

2024-04-04 18:19:20

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