해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kona Flash/Fire Starter Cubes - Natural 144 pcs for BBQ Grills, Campfires, Charcoal, Fire Pits, Survival

상품번호 B08BVZMFZ8
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? QUICK & EASY TO USE – Get your Campfire, Charcoal, Fire Pit, or Fireplace fires started in a Flash! These 100% waterproof, portable, and lightweight fire starter cubes are guaranteed to making lighting a fire fast and easy! Start fires fast even in tough conditions such as wind, dampness, and rain with just one match and without dangerous flare ups.? 100% ALL-NATURAL, ECO FRIENDLY & SUSTAINABLE - Kona Flash/Fire fire-starters are made from wood and wax, 100% all-natural materials. No need for newspaper and kindling or messy and hazardous lighter fluids or gels. These cubes are environmentally safe and have an unlimited shelf life.? FRUSTRATION FREE FIRES - No more frustration starting a wood or charcoal fire. Quick and easy to light, one fire starter gives a consistent burn for 10-12 mins.? GREAT VALUE - One pack of firestarters has 144 square pieces and is the universal choice as grill starter for BBQ, indoor fireplace, and wood stove starter. 1 or 2 wax fire starters are all it takes to get your fire roaring in a flash!? COMPACT & CONVENIENT - Keep some of these fire-starters with all your gear. Great for campers, hikers, hunters, BBQ grillers, and anyone who loves the warmth and mesmerizing comfort of a fire. Make sure you have everything you need to make an emergency fire in the great wild outdoors!

2024-05-15 06:16:34

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