해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Berry&Bird Bulb Planter Tool, 12" Stainless Steel Garden Bulb Transplanter, Manual Hole Digger with Wooden Handle, Transplanting Agricultural Dibble Tool for Seed Planting & Flower Planter

상품번호 B08C4VKL8S
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Gardening & Lawn Care
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상품가격 15.99
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WHAT YOU GET - 1 * Bulb Planter Tool. Our garden bulb planter are made by traditional manual process and can be used for more than 10 years. The more the wooden handle and stainless steel will be used, the smoother it will be. It is very suitable for digging solid soil, and the transplanted seedlings have a high survival rate.EFFICIENT TRANSPLANTING - Our bulb planters makes bulb planting faster and easier, thus saving your time. And it\'s light and easy to carry. Bulb tools are ideal for transplanting and separating perennials in hard packed soils. The heavy-duty bulb planter provides the best leverage for easy transplanting and harvesting.MULTIFUNCTION - Bulb planters are ideal tools for growing bulbs in spring, autumn and all year round, such as tulips, iris, gladiolus, daffodils, lilies, dahlias, day lily, saffron, scallions, onions and hole diggers for plants, flowers and perennial bulbs.SUSTAINABLE - We pay attention to the environmental protection of forests and are committed to ensuring a sustainable and responsible forest management system through clear standards and certifications. Using our environmental tools, you will learn about your plants and the earth. Our garden bulb planter is designed with an ergonomic ash handle from a FSC certified government controlled forest. This regulates the use of wood and the planting of trees to achieve a greener environment.100% SATISFIED GUARANTEE - 30 Days free replacement and 2-YEAR warranty. Berry&Bird is a traditional brand of gardening tools, we provide professional service for consumer, so please feel free to contact us if you have any issues, we will provide you with a satisfactory solution within 24 hours.

2024-09-04 20:13:37

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