해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EASICUTI Tongue Cleaner, Toothbrush, 42Pcs Disposable Infant Clean Baby Mouth,Gauze Gum Cleaner Oral Cleaning Stick Dental Care for 0-36 Month Baby+Free 1 Finger

상품번호 B08C771BVW
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상품구분 Health & Household / Oral Care
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상품가격 $9.99
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?【Focus On Early Baby Oral Care】Our baby toothbrush helps to solve the baby\'s oral health problem, effectively removes oral stains, milk stains, tongue coating, and keeps the mouth clean. Begin early with this delicate tongue brush to develop good oral hygiene habits for babies and infants.?【Professinal Design】3D wave soft brush head made of 100% medical skim gauze can clean the mouth 360°, making cleaning easier. ❤Soft absorbent gauze is comfortable to use, fit baby\'s gums, no fluorescent whitening agent, no taste. ❥The Paper handle is sturdy, flexible and enough long to easily reach every part of your baby’s mouth.?【Stable & Safe to Use】The perfectly sized lattice structure and double suture fastening structure are against falling off, that\'s why our tongue cleaner is so stable. Our baby toothbrush also can massage the gums and help soothe teething pain. Baby would love teething massage and enjoy it.?【Independent Vacuum Packing】Each baby gum cleaner is sanitized and hermetically sealed for disposable use. They’re ready to use and you can keep a few in your purse or diaper bag and use it wherever you are. ⭐2 ways to use-Unpack and use directly & dip warm water 30°C. ❥ We recommend cleaning your baby\'s tongue and gums daily, even without teeth.?【Your Best Choice for Newborn Gifts】Baby First Toothbrush and newborn toothbrush 0-3 months, Package includes infant toothbrush 42PCS+ FREE 1Pcs soft finger toothbrush with case, suitable for 0-36 Month Baby. ❥ If you have any questions about this product, please contact us for replacement or refund.

2024-04-04 19:17:06

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