해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KIPRITII Ergonomically Back Scrubber for Shower,Double-Sided Back Long Handle Wet & Dry Brush for Cellulite and Lymphatic (Black)

상품번호 B08CBXDW92
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Upgrade Arc-Shaped Long Handle Back Scrubber: Longer length of 17 inches, and upgrade arc conform to ergonomic mechanics, more effortless to use, easier to clean hard-to-reach back skin or leg for every one. Especially a good helper for those who have difficult lifting their shoulders. The arc-shaped handle provides a more comfortable grip than vertical shower brush.Back Brush for Dry & Wet : When dry brushing, you can use the stiff side to massage the skin, stimulate blood circulation, improve skin quality and relieve stress. When wet brushing, you can combine the shower gels or scrub, it will go deep into the pores to remove dirt and balance oil, to provide a good bathing experience and cleaning effect.Double-Sided Body Brush: The stiff side was made of natural bristles, flexible and moisture-proof, perfect for cleaning the thicker skin areas of the body, such as the back, joints, ankles, etc. The soft side was made of nylon which soft and elastic, suitable for sensitive skin like belly, neck, inner arm, etc.High Quality Material of Handle: The handle of the bath brush is made of high-quality lotus wood with waterproof coating, moisture & corrosion resistant, not easy to break, more durable than other brands. The handle adopts a special polishing process, has very smooth, comfortable grip, no peculiar smell.Easy to Use and Hang: Our shower scrubber has a large 360°aging resistance anti-slip rubber on the handle, provides better grip than others, won’t fall off the hands, flexible & soft touch, more comfortable to handle & clean. Also comes with a fiber cotton hanging rope, easy to hang and storage.

2024-11-01 06:03:36

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