해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Disposer, Premium Food Waste Disposal,Kitchen Garbage Disposal Unit for Sink and Food Waste Disposer Stainless Steel Shredder | Sink Quiet Disposals Power Cord Included, Red

상품번호 B08CCV69QC
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Plumbing
브랜드 Brand: XHMCDZ
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $745.00
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★Our business philosophy: quality and customers always be in the first place, continuous innovation, and constantly bring high quality new products to customers.*HIGH-SPEED DC MOTOR:Advanced high-speed DC motor rotation, powerful and efficient grinding, safe blade-free design, 3-step grinding technology. Your kitchen drain will no longer be blocked.*FAST SPEED:For a speed of 3500r/min, continuous feeding, pre-installed power cord, daily food debris crushed into pieces of less than 3 mm.*QUIET DESIGN:This food waste disposer has a noise level of less than 40 decibels and uses dual layer soundproofing technology to be quieter than similar processors. When you cook or dine, you will not feel noisy.*LARGE CAPACITY:Grinding chamber with a capacity of 1100 ml for stable operation and small vibrations. Allow a lot of food waste. Save a lot of time and say goodbye to the waiting time for grinding.
*High speed DC motor for durability, smart reset function *Three-stage grinding system, large grinding space, easy to use mounting system *Removable bib prevents food waste and spill waste, reducing grinding noise Rated voltage:110-220V Rated power: 375W Rated frequency: 60 Hz Motor type:permanent magnet DC motor Speed: 3500r/min Lifetime: 5-10 years Product Size: 185*185*390mm Production capacity:1100ml Net weight: 4.5 kg Case material: high quality ABS Grinding system: grinding in three stages grinding material: all stainless steel Control system: switch control Safety protection: Overload protection and overheating Noise reduction system: fully enclosed sound insulation Machine Inner Diameter: 90mm Machine Outside Diameter: 112mm Products include: 1*Food Waste Disposer Thank you for choosing and purchasing our products. We provide a full range of after-sales services for each customer.If you have any product problems, please contact us and we will help you solve the problem.

2024-10-31 17:30:27

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