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Aramith Tournament Black TV Billiard Pool Ball Set 2 1/4"…

상품번호 B08CD4SHB4
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
브랜드 Brand: Aramith
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $465.00
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Aramith has created the new Tournament BLACK set to combine the very best of pool ball quality with an innovative, trendy and groundbreaking "black" design (patent pending)Anticipating the need to better discern the balls on TV but also on small screen devices, Aramith has teamed up with Matchroom Multisport to develop new colours: No. 4 and 12 balls are pink, No. 7 and 15 balls are light brown, No. 5 and 13 are light purple, No.6 and 14 are light greenAs for the black design on the striped balls , it was first designed for the nine-ball game to better distinguish the 9-ball with the 1-ball. Featured in all striped balls it gives an innovative and groundbreaking look (patent pending). Included the Aramith dotted Cue ball (6 black dots and the black Aramith logo): For ultimate precise shots and ball repositioningThe Aramith Tournament set features the Duramith technology with its hi-tech engineered molecular structure enhancing drastically the longevity of the balls while minimizing significantly table cloth wear. With a life-time that exceeds up to 8 times that of the average polyester and phenol-like resins, reaching easily up to 40 years in residential use, Aramith ball sets are the logical choice for both the trade and the playerWith its new Duramith formulation, the 4th generation Aramith 4 life products cross new boundaries, guaranteeing the lowest cost of ownership
While anticipating the need to better discern the balls especially on small screen devices, Aramith developed the new Aramith Tournament BLACK set. This set features a light purple to replace orange and a lighter green to replace the darker one. As for the black design on the striped balls, it was first designed for the nine-ball game to better distinguish the 9-ball with the 1-ball. Featured on all striped balls it is an innovative and groundbreaking look.

2025-02-05 10:04:18

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