해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Promover Capri Pants for Women Wide Leg Yoga Cropped Pants with Pockets Loose Casual Summer Pants

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상품가격 $31.99
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●Promover, focuses on providing the best yoga and lounge wearing Promover has been endeavoring to provide relaxed fit women\'s wide leg pants and satisfying service for our clients with the concept of Integrate Yoga Into Life. Therefore, we explore and develop every piece of product with our heart ●"Can I wear this wide leg yoga pants just for daily?" Of course, its excellent comfy and stretch will give you a wonderful experience. These wide leg capri pants work for everything and anything! You can wear it for fitness, yoga and daily use。 ●Soft & Stretchy Fabric: When you exercise in this open bottom yoga capri pants, you can enjoy the smooth experience of the contact between fabric and skin,it will provides maximum comfort and protection during every yoga posture. Two Side Pockets: Hold your essentials (phone , cards , keys, etc), it\'s deep enough that you can go outside and workout breezily. Non see-through: Good elasticity and non see-through fabric, keep you away from awkward moment - perfect for yoga, exercise, fitness, sports, any type of workout, or everyday use. Open bottom design: The flowy loose wide-leg pants design let users feel more natural , also maintains comfort and breathability during exercise

2024-07-11 07:30:21

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