해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vortex Optics Diamondback HD Spotting Scopes

상품번호 B08DVBRP18
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상품가격 $452.97
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The redesigned Diamondback HD spotting scope has all the optical horsepower the western hunter needs, and excels in low light. It features a streamlined exterior for a sleeker profile and a built-in helical focus wheel for fast and fine adjustments.HD optical system delivers exceptional resolution, cuts chromatic aberration and provides outstanding color fidelity, edge-to-edge sharpness and light transmission. Multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces increase light transmissionAdjustable eyecups twist up and down for comfortable viewing with or without eyeglasses. The built-in sunshade reduces glare and shields the objective lens from raindrops and snow.The scope is tripod adaptable allowing use on a tripod or car window mount. Arca-Swiss compatibility allows it to be mounted to Arca-Swiss tripod heads without using additional plates. Also accepts 1/4-20 threads for use on alternate style tripod heads.O-ring sealed and argon purged, the scope delivers waterproof and fogproof performance. Armortek coatings protect the lenses from oil, scratches, and dirt. Rubber armor enhances both durability and grip for the user.Backed by our unlimited, unconditional, lifetime, VIP Warranty. A fully transferable promise to repair or replace your item if it becomes damaged/defective. Does not cover loss, theft, deliberate damage or cosmetic damage that doesn\'t hinder performance.
Inside and out, the Diamondback HD spotter is a thing of beauty. Inside, HD quality optics deliver incredible resolution, dramatically reduced chromatic aberration, and outstanding edge-to-edge color fidelity. On the outside, a helical focus wheel delivers faster dialing and a sleek form factor for easy packing.

2024-07-11 12:14:14

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