해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SAMSUNG 22" T350 Series FHD 1080p Computer Monitor, 75Hz, IPS Panel, HDMI, VGA (D-Sub), 3-Sided Border-Less, FreeSync, LF22T350FHNXZA

상품번호 B08FNW672V
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상품가격 $79.99
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ALL-EXPANSIVE VIEW: The 3-sided borderless display brings a clean and modern aesthetic to any working environment. In a multi-monitor setup, the displays line up seamlessly for a virtually gapless view without distractions.Aspect ratio:16:9.Response time:5.0 milliseconds.Specific uses for product - GamingIPS PANEL: Sit anywhere and have a full technicolor experience. The IPS panel preserves color vividness and clarity across every inch of the screen. Even on a display this wide, tones and shades look completely accurate from virtually any angle, with no color washingSYNCHRONIZED ACTION: Superfluid entertainment experience. AMD Radeon FreeSync keeps your monitor and graphics card refresh rate in sync to reduce image tearing. Watch movies and play games without any interruptions. Even fast scenes look seamless and smoothSEAMLESS, SMOOTH VISUALS: Now, the picture looks flawless. The 75Hz refresh rate delivers more fluid scenes. Whether you\'re catching up on your favorite TV drama, watching a video, or playing a game, your entertainment has no lag or ghosting effectMORE GAMING POWER: Ideal game settings instantly give you the edge. Get optimal color and image contrast to see scenes more vividly and spot enemies hiding in the dark. Game Mode adjusts any game to fill your screen with every detail in viewSUPERIOR EYE CARE: Advanced eye comfort technology reduces eye strain for less strenuous extended computing; Flicker Free technology continuously removes tiring and irritating screen flicker, while Eye Saver Mode minimizes emitted blue lightTRUE VERSATILITY: With both HDMI and D-sub ports, multiple devices can be plugged straight into your monitor for complete flexibility; Now, your computing environment is even more convenient with additional input possibilities
Seamless screen with 3-sided border-less display stretches from edge to edge for immersive viewing and maximum concentration. With refined dark blue gray exterior, the screen brings more sleek and modern look.

2025-01-06 19:39:57

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