해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GARTOL Large Miter Shear Cutter, Multifunctional Multi Angle Trunking Shear, Angle Shears Scissors For Vinyl Wood Molding Trim, Angle Cutter Adjustable at 45 to 135 Degree with Replacement Blades

상품번호 B08FR4XS5J
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상품가격 23.99
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ANTIRUST SK-5 STEEL BLADE: The large miter shear has a larger cutting range than the conventional angle shear, and the maximum cutting diameter can reach 2.67 inches. Lengthen miter shear has a sharp sturdy blade, ideal for cutting chamfer, round molds, trunking and PVC strips, rubber gaskets, molding, and weatherstrip, shoe mold, quarter roundHIGH-PRECISION ENGRAVING SCALE: Clear and precise scale surface to help you cut accurately. An adjustable slider on the scale surface allows for a 45°-135°cutting angle, free to cut the trunking to a different shape when neededERGONOMICALLY DESIGNED HANDLE: Strong and durable integrated handle is made of aluminum alloy and PPC anti-skid cover. Comfortable grip no hand fatigue for long-term useTURN CLASP SAFETY LOCK: The turn clasp closure is easy to close and open, safe and convenient, you no need to worry about being accidentally scratched by the bladeREPLACEABLE BLADE: This trunking scissors set includes 2 additional spare sharp heavy-duty replaceable blades. Notice this shear is not suitable for cutting metal and stainless steel.

2024-11-27 06:50:33

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