해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tribe T2 Swimfins for Youth Kids Women Snorkeling Bodyboarding Surfing and Swimming

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상품가격 $59.95
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FEATURE: Sleek and smooth profile for maximum hydrodynamic performance with very little dragACTIVITIES: Perfect for bodyboarding, body surfing, junior guards, swimming, snorkeling or diving.COMFORT: Made of a soft, natural rubber for increased comfort with a soft heel strap.DESIGN: Great thrust for the ocean or swimming pool. They float too! Toe drainage holes to get sand and shells out of your finSIZES: For kids to adults and all abilities. Great fit for kids! We HIGHLY recommend you get a "Tribe Heel Pad Fin Cinch"
For normal to narrow feet, the T2 features toe drainage to facilitate the exit of rocks/shells/sand and a comfy rubber foot pocket gives way to a higher-density, slightly different color rubber blade with power for days. Add an ergonomic heel strap and you\'ve got the perfect fin. One of our top sellers for riders with normal to narrow feet, including ladies and kids! FEATURE : Sleek and smooth profile for maximum hydrodynamic performance with very little drag ACTIVITIES : Perfect for bodyboarding, body surfing, junior guards, swimming, snorkelling or diving. COMFORT : Made of a soft, natural rubber for increased comfort with a soft heel strap. DESIGN : Great thrust for the ocean or swimming pool. They float too! Toe drainage holes to get sand and shells out of your fin SIZES : For kids to adults and all abilities. Great fit for kids! Sizing Guidelines : (please consider booties or fin socks into the sizing if you are wearing any). It is best to go up a size as it is easier to make a bigger fin fit and a tight fitting fin can cause cramping or blisters: X-Small : Men 3-4 / Women 4.5-5 / Youth 1-2.5 Small : Men 4.5-5.5 / Women 5.5-7 / Youth 3-4 Medium-Small : Men 5.5-6.5 / Women 7-8 / Youth 4.5-6 Medium : Men 6.5-8 / Women 8-9 / Youth 6.5-8 Medium-Large : Men 8-9 / Women 9-11 / Youth 7-9.5 Large : Men 9.5-11 / Women 11-12.5 / Youth 9.5-11 X-Large : Men 11-12.5 / Women 12.5-14 Tip! If you are in between sizes go up a size. It\'s easier to make a bigger fin fit then a smaller fin fit. You can add an "eBodyboarding.com Shackle Heel Pad Fin Cinch" (Sold Separately) for a better fit and comfort. We HIGHLY recommend you get a "Tribe Heel Pad Fin Cinch.

2024-09-05 14:09:16

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