해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Circleware Living Spaces Set of Glass Bowls, Set of 6, Glassware for Fruits, Salad, Punch, Beverage, Ice Cream, Dessert, Food and Best Décor Gifts, 8oz, Clear

상품번호 B08GJ3XMFD
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상품가격 $22.99
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Enjoy Your Glass with Full Satisfaction: These glasses do not contain any harmful chemicals such as BPA, phthalate, PVC, or polycarbonate, so nothing can leach into your beverage from the glass. Made of best selling glass enabling the color of the beverage to shine. Elegant look and adds to any table\'s aesthetics with their contemporary design. Increase the overall drinking experience and is strongly recommended by health experts.Shaped to Perfection: these glasses are shaped to perfection with breakthrough styling and unmatched brand value. The unique glass shape enhances the liquors aromas and flavors. Has an elegant look in a wine cabinet and adds to any table\'s aesthetics with its contemporary design.The base of the glass provides maximum stability. Ideal for all beverages as well. Breakthrough styling and unmatched brand value. Unique Glass shape enhances the Juices aromas and flavors. Preserves and presents flavor exactly as intended. Made of clear glass enabling the color of the liquor to shine. An elegant look in a wine cabinet and adds to any table\'s aesthetics with their contemporary design. Increase the overall drinking experience and is strongly recommended by experts around the globe.Shaped to Be an All-Purpose Glass the base of this glass provides maximum stability. Ideal for Juice and all beverages as well. Breakthrough styling and unmatched brand value. Unique Glass shape enhances the Juices aromas and flavors. Preserves and presents flavor exactly as intended. Made of clear glass enabling the color of the beverage to shine. Elegant look in a wine cabinet and adds to any table\'s aesthetics with their contemporary design. Increase the overall drinking experience and is strongly recommended by experts around the globe.
Recommended uses: these are perfect party decorations. Depending on the theme you will find use for them. They make great gifts for any occasion. These are perfect for: Christmas, Birthday gifts, wedding party, your best selling Beverage, Valentine\'s day, Anniversary, Father\'s Day, Mother\'s Day, housewarming, Cyber Monday and Black Friday sale gifts, New Years, College Graduation, St. Patrick\'s day, Congratulations, Job Promotion, Stocking Stuffers and Secret Santa Gifts!

2024-05-16 01:16:02

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