해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SLONIK 600 Lumens LED Headlamp Rechargeable with Head Strap – Ultra Bright Heavy-Duty Waterproof Headlamp for Adults - Hard Hat Light for Mechanics & Construction Workers - Running Lights for Runners

상품번호 B08HGF8JW3
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상품가격 $18.49
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HEAVY-DUTY LED HEADLAMP: Are you looking for a no-sense LED headlight for your head? Our complete set - rechargeable headlamp, non-slip headband, recharging cable, helmet hooks, and storage case - is the perfect addition for hard hats and other headwear. Thick O rings and high heat dissipation features ensure long-term usage. No Standalone lithium batteries are sold with the productRECHARGEABLE HEADLAMP: You won’t have to switch between head lamps. The narrow beam angle gives off a clear, long-distance illumination for long-lasting precision lighting. At a maximum brightness setting, you get 4 hours of light; a lower light setting will last you up to 15 hours before recharging!MULTIFUNCTIONAL WATERPROOF HEADLAMP: Rural camper or late-night runner? Use as a running headlamp for full road illumination or take with you as a camping headlamp for nighttime trekking. Perfect both for personal and industrial use: running, hiking, camping, hunting, garage work, HVAC, construction, etc.COMFORTABLE & EASY FITTING: Tired of uncomfortable LED headlamps? So are we. The universal headlamp strap size is easily adjustable, and the silicone waves keep your headband firmly in place. Plus, it’s compact and lightweight – only 3.25oz. You’ll even be able to mount your tripods with our built-in ¼” thread to capture your best moments.QUICK RECHARGE & MEMORY FUNCTION: Once you turn the SLONIK rechargeable headlamp off, it will remember your setting next time you turn it on - perfect for a functional led headlamps for adults. And when you’re all out of battery? Use your included USB cable for 2 hours to return to 100%.
Enjoy Long Distance Illumination with SLONIK Finding good rechargeable headlamps for adults is tough. You want brightness and comfort. However, most headlamps for adults are either too uncomfortable or give up on you after a few uses. But thatâ s all about to change. Early morning bike rides? Late night dog walks? Long work shifts in the dark? Slip on the SLONIK and let the powerful beam guide you with long distance illumination. As for the brightness? It blasts up to 608LM for 4 hours - youâ ll never be lost in the dark. And if you love camping trips - a lower light setting powers up for 15 hours! Why Our Customers Love our Headlamp â Unmatched durability with high heat dissipation â Thicker O-rings - Heavy rain wonâ t stop the SLONIK â Powerful narrow beam for long-distance illumination â Easy tripod mounting - Capture every moment in the dark on your hiking trips â 6500K white light - - Appear roughly the same as daylight â Memory function remembers your brightness setting to save you time â Lifetime of 100,000 hours Package includes: 1) LED headlamp rechargeable â 1pcs 2) Non-slip Headband (top strap included) â 1pcs 3) Micro-USB charging cable â 1pcs 5) Helmet hooks â 4pcs 6) User manual â 1pcs 7) Portable EVA storage box â 1pcs Comfortable & Secure Fit Wearing a heavy hard hat all day? Our waterproof headlamp only weighs 3.25oz...you may not even notice itâ s there. Cycle over speed bumps or run through rough terrain - the strap stays put and remains comfortable. Experience the powerful beams of the SLONIK now! Scroll up and hit the â Add To Cartâ button!

2024-07-12 00:55:29

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