해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SafeWaze 2 Person Rope Horizontal Lifeline Kit with Heavy Duty Cross Arm Straps, 30 FT

상품번호 B08HLF8V4K
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상품가격 $904.51
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INCLUDES: Our 2 Person Rope Horizontal Lifeline Kit comes with a 30′ kernmantle rope with 2 o-rings, 2 heavy duty cross arm straps, rope tensioner, 2 carabiners, and an energy absorber with protective cover. All of the kit components fit in the carrying and storage bag. Additional rope length options are available to cover multiple applications.HORIZONTAL LIFELINE KIT: Perfect for roof-top, crane runway, bridge or outdoor construction site, or any other elevated work area that poses a fall risk to personnel. A horizontal lifeline can be positioned at the base of the structure (roof), overhead, or somewhere in-between these points.HIGH WEIGHT CAPACITY: 310 lbs/person 2-person maximum 420 lbs/single user - If using heavyweight harness and lanyardEXCELLENT QUALITY: For your safety 16mm Kernmantle rope lifeline Tensile Strength > 11,261 lbs 1.75” Green polyester cross-arm strap webbing— Tensile strength > 9,500 lbs Polyester thread Steel Tensioner Steel Carabiners tensile strength > 5,000 lbs; gate rated at > 3,600 lbs Web Energy Absorber Stamped steel O-rings, rated at 5,000 lbsCOMPLIANCE: OSHA 1926.502 - OSHA 1910.140

2024-09-04 23:47:12

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