해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Secdtie Pack of 4 Men's Classic Stripe Checks Jacquard Woven Tie Formal Party Neckties

상품번호 B08K8JNWFV
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 Brand: Secdtie
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.99
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About our Secdtie store Welcome to our Secdtie store, we are a specialty retailers for men\'s neckwear. We have been designing, producing, and retailing men\'s ties online. We hold our tie suppliers and designers to the highest standards, and we made it our goal to offer the highest quality neckties, bowties, cuff links, and other fashion accessories at the best possible prices. If, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with the ties you ordered, you can unconditional return it. About our Small Floral Tie 1) Vibrant and conservative, we call them college ties, but these beautiful neckties are for any and all occasions. These striped ties always make a great first impression, whether you are interviewing for your first job, or simply want to show your affiliation. 2) Striped ties are a great way to add style and character to your look. These simple accessories can dramatically expand the number of outfits you can create with your existing wardrobe. Change a ho-hum outfit to a stylish, statement-making ensemble with luxurious men\'s ties in a variety of patterns, colors and sizes.For a more conservative look, choose simple striped ties in subtle blues, maroons, or neutral tones. Pair your tie with a button-down shirt and jacket to create a style appropriate for business or a casual dinner at a restaurant. If want to grab attention and create a bolder look, pair an edgy tie with jeans and a roll the sleeves up of your shirt. For the daring, colors such as purple, pink or lime green are sure to turn heads. 1. Product Details: 1) Item name: 1200 needles microfiber men tie 2) Material: Microfiber (Silk, Santin, Cotton, Polyester, Jacquard woven, etc) 3. Necktie Types 1) Santin/Silk necktie 2) Cotton/Polyester necktie 3) Knitted necktie 4) Plain/Printed/Embroidery necktie 5) Jaquard/Twill/Dobby/Checked necktie

2024-02-13 13:03:56

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