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Klein Tools 32307 Multi-bit Tamperproof Screwdriver, 27-in-1 Tool with Torx, Hex, Torq and Spanner Bits with 1/4-Inch Nut Driver

상품번호 B08KFL4QD4
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상품가격 $25.97
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Multi-Bit screwdriver features convenient on-board storage of 26 different tamperproof bits and a 1/4-Inch nut driverBarrel contains powerful Rare-Earth magnets for securing bits and fastenersIndustrial-strength, double-sided bits that are conveniently housed in the handle eliminating the need for a bulky bit blockStainless steel barrel provides great impact and wear resistanceCushion-Grip handle for maximum comfortIncludes the following tamper-proof bits: Torx, TORQ-SET, Hex, and SpannerTORQ-SET is a registered trademark of Phillips Screw Co; TORX is a registered trademark of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC
Klein Tools Multi-bit Screwdrivers help make your job a little easier. The 27-in-1 Tamperproof Screwdriver offers 26 specialty bits conveniently stored right in the handle and an integrated 1/4-Inch nut driver. Powerful Rare-Earth magnets in the barrel secure the bits and fasteners. This screwdriver features industrial-strength bits as well as Cushion-Grip handles for outstanding comfort and control. For more than 160 years, Klein Tools has manufactured premium-quality, professional-grade hand tools that deliver the performance, durability and precision needed to get the job done right. Our family of engineers, workers and craftsman continue to put six generations of expertise into every tool we create by using only the highest quality materials, superior workmanship, and keeping manufacturing as close to home as we can. Klein isn\'t just the name of our company, it\'s also our family name. And since we\'re an American company that\'s family-owned and family-run, you know you can count on us to be here tomorrow. Klein Tools doesn\'t just make great products, we make great products that stand up to the demands of the professionals who use them every day ... Since 1857.

2024-09-28 12:43:34

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