해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Bike Helmet,Toddler Skateboard Helmets for Ages 2-3-5-8-14 Years Boys Girls,Adjustable Multi-Sport Bicycle Skateboarding Football Roller Skating Scooter Rollerblade Balance Bike Helmet

상품번호 B08L5FSFY4
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상품가격 $29.99
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【Lifetime Customer Service】: The Helmet is the perfect choice for the protection of your child and toddler. Your child will have the protection meet the standard. As designed with multiple vents, special aerodynamic design and breathable foam, the skate helmets help reduce sweating, adjustable straps can adjust and lock the position of the helmet.【HEAD SIZE】 : Small:19.7 - 22.1 inch(50–56 cm) suitable for 5-8-9 years old kids; M: 21.7 - 23.2 inch (55–59 cm) suitable for 10-14-16 years old Youth. The CELOID kids helmet fit system and additional pads are designed to grow with your child\'s head.【Wonderful Material】: This small kids protective gear set is adopted anti-scratch high hardness PE shell padded with Soft EVA material. Safety BREATHABLE, WASHABLE!Those high-quality liners are not only durable for many years, but also breathable. Adopted ventilate fabric to keep cool and clean while biking, riding, cycling and skateboarding. Not just Safety but with all elements for you, child, kids and toddler.【WIDE APPLICATION】: The kids helmet and knee elbow pads with wirst guards are designed for kids sports saftey protection especially for any outdoor activities for many outdoor sports such as skating, skateboard, riding bikes, scooters roller, blading cycling, biking,balance bike ice and roller cycling skating, rolling, ATV, BMX and other extrem sports. Our goal is keep our kids away from hurt when they enjoy the joy of sports.【PERFECT GIFT CHOICE】: Great holiday gifts for your boys and girls! It is a good choice as Children\'s Day gift, Christmas gift, birthday gift and other festival gift, the child will be overjoyed when he/she receive your present!If any problem any question or suggestions at any time about this kids safety gear set , please feel free to email us seller via Amazon message, we will provide you good solutions ASAP, thank you so much for your choosing.※: Complies with U.S. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older .

2024-09-05 19:19:42

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