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DISCOUNT PROMOS Brookhaven Roll Up Picnic Blankets Set of 6, Bulk Pack - Great Outdoor Blanket for Camping, Picnic, Beach, Sports, Outdoor Activities - Red

상품번호 B08L6SKLY5
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상품가격 $79.99
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Indulgent Comfort - Experience luxury with our Brookhaven Roll Up Picnic Blanket. Lightweight and snuggly, it guarantees a soothing touch and convenient handling.Branding Excellence - Boost your brand\'s image by offering this personalized blanket. Whether for cherished clients, loyal employees, or impactful events, it\'s a statement of quality.Effortless Mobility - Our picnic blanket\'s ingenious design, featuring a grid pattern and woven handle, ensures seamless transport. The hook-and-loop closure adds ease to your outdoor endeavors.Event Glamour - Elevate your upcoming corporate soirée, grand opening, or birthday bash with this stunning blanket. Its versatility and allure make any occasion truly memorable.Year-Round Companion - From spring picnics to winter escapes, the Brookhaven blanket is your all-season essential. Revel in its versatility and comfort no matter the time of year.

2025-01-07 12:18:28

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