해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SUNPIE 4 Pods Upgraded 210 Degrees Wide Angle RGBW LED Rock Lights APP/Remote Control Voice Mode Music Mode Automatic Control Neon Light Kit Wheel Well Lights for Off Road Truck SUV ATV UTV Boats

상품번호 B08L8W2JGC
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상품구분 Automotive / Lights & Lighting Accessories
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상품가격 $49.96
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?HIGH POWER 4PODS 210 DEGREES WIDE ANGLE RGBW ROCK LIGHTS. COMPATIBLE WITH ALL TRUCKS/SEDANS/ATV/UTV/BOATS?Designed to be compatible with a wide range of vehicles, including sedans, trucks, SUVs, UTVs, ATVs, and boats. With 4 high-power pods and a 210-degree wide-angle beam, you\'ll get bright and even lighting wherever you go. Plus, our lights come with a separate LED for pure true white color, unlike other RGB models that mix white color.?USE APP OR REMOTE CONTROL TO CHANGE COLORS?: With our rock lights, you can easily change colors, music mode, more than 20 strobe modes, and voice mode using either the app or remote control. And if you buy two or more rock lights, you can control each one separately with the press of a button.?HIGH TEMPERATURE RESISTANT METAL LED BASE?: Our rock lights feature a high-temperature resistant metal LED base that can withstand even the hottest conditions. Unlike other lights with plastic bases, our lights are built to last and will extend the service life of your rock lights.?EASY TO INSTALL?We provide all the tools you need to install our rock lights, including screws, a Bluetooth control box, and a remote control. Each light comes with an 11.4ft wire, and you can easily add more extension wires as needed. Installation is a breeze, and you can easily drill the lights onto your truck fender board.?1 YEAR WARRANTY?We stand behind our product and offer a 1-year warranty from the brand "SUNPIE". If you have any questions or concerns, our customer service team is available 24/7 to help you out.

2024-05-17 03:32:49

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