해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lab Grown Bezel Set Diamond Earrings | 14K Real Gold Diamond Stud Earrings for Women and Men | Certified GH VS/SI Color and Clarity Diamonds | Ideal Gift for Him or Her

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상품가격 $273.99
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OUR STYLIST\'S NOTES - These classic diamond stud earrings have stood the test of time. Ideal as diamond ear studs for women and men, these stud earrings are a must have for every person\'s wardrobe. IDEAL FOR GIFTING - Diamond earrings for wife or girlfriend, stud earrings for girls or ladies, diamond studs for a friends or for that special someone in your life, or just a gorgeous gift for yourself - these diamond stud earrings have you covered not only for Valentine\'s Day but also for birthdays, Christmas, thanksgiving, anniversary, graduations, mothers day gifts, and any other suitable occasion . DAZZLE WITH A CONSCIENCE- While most natural earth mined diamonds are conflict-free one can never be 100% sure as it is next to impossible to trace the origin of a diamond. The Kimberley Process - that was designed to stop the atrocities associated with natural diamonds has been struggling with its own shortcomings. Using laboratory manufactured diamonds can be your way of putting an end to some unspeakable atrocities inflicted on others. Progress in science has made it possible to recreate nature\'s process in a laboratory. You get a much visibly better stone without the guilt of harming the environment or supporting war crimes or even turning to turn to cheap alternatives like moissanite or cubic zirconia (CZ) which cannot compare to a diamond when it comes to scintillation brilliance or sparkle. LET YOUR INNER LIGHT SHINE THROUGH - We use lab made diamonds that are GH colour and SI clarity or better. These are a visible improvement over JKL or lower colored diamonds as well as I1 I2 I3 or lower quality diamonds used by other jewelers. These real diamond earrings for women and men are assessed by gemmologists and are accompanied by a certificate that can be verified online

2024-04-04 19:29:28

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