해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Weighing Scale | Digital Scale | Babies, Infants, Adults, Pets, Puppies, Cats, Dogs | Baby Scales - Great for Newborn/Underweight/Premature Babies | Up to 220 lb - New 2023

상품번호 B08LT6C95J
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상품가격 $37.54
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How Your Baby Grows: Your baby is your life, so you need to ensure that they are happy, healthy, and grow smoothly. Using the MEKBOK baby scale, you can regularly measure their weight in a comfortable home and easily switch between pounds, stones, kilograms, and grams. The tray includes convenient measurement markers for checking the baby\'s height and weight.Second measurement: We know that our baby shakes quickly and doesn\'t stay longer than a few things, so you can measure the baby\'s weight in about 3 seconds. Once the weight has been measured, the screen will lock the measurement results so that you can read them clearly after lifting or moving the baby. The scale can also be used as a conventional vertical scale, weighing up to 100 kilograms (220 pounds).Unique design: When babies and pets move around and measure digital fluctuations, you can press and hold the button to obtain accurate weight. The tray can be removed as a baby or pet grows and can still be used as a conventional scaleMulti function, easy to read: touch button to turn on/off, zero point function, hold function, KG/LB/OZ switchable. The HOLD function allows your baby/pet to maintain weight while moving. The blue backlit digital LCD monitor measures 1 x 2 inches, making it easy to read clearly even in the dark.【Best Customer Service】MEKBOK If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase - if it is broken, damaged in transit or you change your mind - please let us know and we will replace it or refund your choice !

2024-09-28 20:28:35

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