해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LCD Digital Microscope,4.3 Inch 1080P 10 Megapixels,1-1000X Magnification Zoom Wireless USB Stereo Microscope Camera,10MP Camera Video Recorder with HD Screen

상품번호 B08LVM9361
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상품가격 $68.99
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【4.3 INCH LCD DIGITAL MICROSCOPE , HIGH DEFINITION, CONVENIENT FOCUSING 】: Electronics microscope has 1000 times magnification and 1080p / 720p resolution. microscope with usb, Adjust the object to the lens and slowly turn the focusing wheel to see the fine details. It is very convenient. It has a built-in rechargeable lithium battery, which can work for 4-5 hours. It is portable and independent. It has enough power for outdoor observation and can be used by hand without the bracket.【50X-1000X Digital Magnification】LCD digital microscope has 2.0MP camera technology and precise focus. The microscope magnification is 50X to 1000X, allowing you to clearly view the smallest details of the specimen, such as plants, coins, diamonds, Welding, etc., can help you easily see the clear details of tiny objects.【4.3-Inch High-Definition LCD Screen and 32GB Card】4.3-inch screen microscope can capture a clear detailed view of the object in a certain area of the picture and record video, and record a clear micro-world experience, The images and videos obtained during the observation process are saved in a 32GB SD micro card (Included 32microSD card).【8 Adjustable LED Lights】 Microscope has built-in 8 adjustable LED lights. The brightness can be adjusted from dark to bright by sliding the switch. Excellent details and best definition, the user’s image and Video can improve the quality of clarity.【Easy to Adjust the Focus Function】 Adjust the object close to the lens, and then slowly rotate the focus wheel to clearly view the sample on the 4.3-inch screen. The attached metal bracket can be used for stable shooting.【Meet Various Microscopy Requirements】 Microscopes can be widely used in circuit board inspection, insects, coins, jewelry, gems, trichomes, rocks and stamps, clocks/clock repairs, skin inspections, children\'s education inspections, textiles Industrial, QC inspection (not suitable for cell and medical purposes), and can also be used for children\'s learning exploration, observing flowers, insects, coins, etc., to improve children\'s curiosity Desire opens the door to the micro world.

2024-11-30 06:17:23

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