해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Steelcase Series 1 Office Chair - Ergonomic Work Chair with Wheels for Carpet - Helps Support Productivity - Weight-Activated Controls, Back Supports & Arm Support - Easy Assembly - Graphite, Light

상품번호 B08M46SHCG
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상품가격 $522.00
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Ergonomic Chair Design: The Steelcase Series 1 work chair gives you essential ergonomics and quality at a great value, plus it boasts space efficiency and weight-activated controlsCustomizable Office Furniture: This chair for desks has optional 4-dimensional arm support and an adjustable headrest, plus provides additional back support for a pressure-free sitDurable Chair with Wheels: This ergonomic chair includes flexible edges and adaptive bolstering in the forearm, providing a pressure-free sitEasy-to-Assemble Study Chair: With no tools required, this chair can be put together in less than 2 minutes, so you can enjoy your new level of comfort while workingBetter Design, Better Comfort, Better Choice: Our high performance seating helps you do your best work; we offer a broad range of dynamic options, all backed by Steelcase research, innovation, and our unwavering standards for quality and sustainability
The Steelcase Series 1 chair has a LiveBack flexor system in the backrest which conforms to your body and moves with you to support the spine as you change postures. The tilt mechanism is synchronized; the seat and back work in harmony with each other, keeping the body securely supported in the chair and feet firmly planted on the floor so you can recline without leaving your optimal zone for seeing and reaching your work. This model includes an adjustable seat depth, fully adjustable arms (raise up and down, pivot in and out, shift forward and back and side to side), adjustable lumbar, pneumatic seat height adjustment, recline tension adjustment (weight activated with adjustment and lock), flexing back with mesh upholstery, upholstered seat and wheels for carpet flooring. The seat features strong yet pliable foam which conforms to the body and creates pressure-free comfort. Flexible seat edge offers a bit of bend, right where you need it – relieving pressure points under your thighs. This chair will arrive unassembled and require some assembly; covered by Steelcase warranty.

2024-09-05 23:32:15

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