해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WestHunter Optics Precision Picatinny Scope Rings, 1 Inch 30 mm Adjustable Height Scope Mount | 6 Colors

상품번호 B08MDY4L2J
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상품가격 $32.99
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Adjustable height design for a customized fit, allows the shooter to find the most suitable and comfortable height of scope. Position the center of the riflescope tube at a height of 32mm(1.26") to 38mm(1.5") from the base, compatible with 1 inch and 30 mm tube opticsPrecision CNC machined from 6061 T6 aircraft-grade aluminum alloy and finished with colorful anodizing for a unique look and extra durability, passed rigorous tests for accuracy and stability, and allows your scope to hold zero in any harsh and extreme environmentDouble screw structure at the bottom for maximum stability, compatible with Picatinny rails only(not suitable for most Weaver rails), quick and easy installation and removal by hand, the torque values of the upper, middle, and lower bolts are 18 in-lbs/40 in-lbs/30 in-lbs respectivelyIndependently designed by WestHunter Optics and holds a US appearance patentWe offer a lifetime warranty, ensuring that you can enjoy it for years to come(Please note that due to variations in lighting environments, there may be slight differences between the product and the pictures)
The WestHunter Optics adjustable height scope mount allows you to customize the height of your riflescope for a comfortable fit. The mount is compatible with both 1 inch and 30 mm tube optics and has a center position range of 32mm to 38mm from the base. Made from precision CNC machined 6061 T6 aircraft-grade aluminum alloy, the mount is durable and long-lasting. The double screw structure at the bottom provides maximum stability, and the mount is easy to install and remove by hand. The torque values of the upper, middle, and lower bolts are 18 in-lbs/40 in-lbs/30 in-lbs respectively, ensuring a secure and stable fit. This mount is only compatible with Picatinny rails and not suitable for most Weaver rails. It\'s independently designed and holds a US appearance patent, ensuring top quality and long-lasting performance. Details: Model: WH-201 Net Weight: 85 g x 2(3 oz x 2) Center Height: 32 mm to 38 mm(1.26 in to 1.5 in) Color: Black/Blue/Brown/Gold/Magenta/Silver Tube Fit: 25.4 mm/30 mm(1 in/1.18 in) Rail Fit: 20 mm Standard Picatinny Rail Material: 6061 T6 Aircraft Grade Aluminum Alloy Package Contains: 6 sets or 3 sets or 1 set of Scope Rings Special Note: Due to different light, the picture you see may be slightly different from the real product. Due to manual measurement, part of the product parameters may have slight deviations, please understand. Choose the WestHunter Optics adjustable height scope mount for a customizable, comfortable, and reliable shooting experience.

2024-10-31 22:14:19

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