해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Triple Strand White Freshwater Cultured Pearl Bracelet for Women AA+ Quality with Sterling Silver Clasp 7"

상품번호 B08MXJ8W9S
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상품가격 $140.00
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This gorgeous triple strand white freshwater cultured pearl bracelet makes a great gift for her. It is finished with a beautiful Sterling Silver clasp. These cultured pearls are fine AA+ Quality, round, with good luster and smooth surface. This jewelry is hand made by our skilled jewelers in USA and quality controlled strictly by our cultured pearl experts. It comes with a high quality jewelry box and a certificate of authenticity. About Freshwater Cultured Pearls Stunningly beautiful and wonderfully affordable, Freshwater cultured pearls make an excellent gift. Unlike many button-shaped Freshwater cultured pearls, ours are mostly round and look very similar to Akoya cultured pearls. Round or near-round Freshwater cultured pearls with a smooth surface and remarkable luster are considered the highest quality. About Premium Pearl, Inc Premium Pearl, Inc is a team of highly skilled cultured pearl experts, jewelers, and jewelry designers. We travel around the world to find the most beautiful cultured pearls used in our jewelry. Premium Pearl, Inc has been featured in major publications such as USA today, Audrey Magazine, and L.A. Brides.

2024-06-06 18:13:33

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