해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ECO SOUL Compostable 8 Inch Palm Leaf Square Plates (100 Count) Like Bamboo Plates | Biodegradable | Eco-Friendly, Microwave & Oven Safe

상품번호 B08MYHPX23
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상품구분 Health & Household / Household Supplies
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상품가격 $58.95
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???-???????? ??? ???????????: ECO SOUL palm leaf plates are made from naturally fallen palm leaves, making them a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice.??????????? ??? ?????????????: These plates are 100% compostable and biodegradable, ensuring they break down naturally without harming the environment.???? ??? ???-?????: USDA BioPreferred Certified, free from harmful chemicals, BPA, dyes, and toxins; safe to dispose of without leaving harmful waste.?????? ??? ????????: ECO SOUL plates are sturdy and reliable, able to hold up well against heavy and hot foods without bending or breaking.????????? ??? ???? ????: You can safely reheat food on these plates in the microwave or oven, providing convenience without compromising on quality.??????? ??????: With a square shape and a natural, rustic appearance, ECO SOUL plates add an elegant touch to your table setting, perfect for special occasions.????????? ???: These plates are suitable for a wide range of events, including parties, BBQs, weddings, and other gatherings, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional disposable plates.???????? ????: With an 8-inch square size, these plates are ideal for serving main courses, offering a stylish touch to your culinary presentation.???? ???????: After use, simply dispose of these plates in your compost bin, reducing waste and helping to promote a cleaner environment.???? ?????????: Each pack contains 100 plates, providing ample supplies for your event while reducing the need for frequent restocking.

2024-09-05 21:43:44

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