해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bright Starts Bounce Bounce Baby 2-in-1 Activity Jumper & Table - Playful Palms

상품번호 B08NG2XXP2
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상품가격 $79.99
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2-In-1 design turns this activity jumper into a play table as baby growsJump for joy with an activity saucer that bounces for younger babies!Get years of use by turning the jumper into a toddler tableElectronic frog toy ribbits, plays music and lights upToy storage bag helps keep your toddler\'s favorite toys within reach
Boing! Get ready for bouncy, Jumpy fun with the bounce bounce baby 2-in-1 activity jumper & table from Bright Starts. You\'ll get years of use out of this grow-with-me jumper by converting it into a standing activity table for toddler play (Pssst. There\'s a toy storage bag included, too!). In jumper mode, our 3-position height adjustable bouncy pad lets baby jump for joy at just the right height. The seat pad rotates 360 Degree for easy access to all the toys and activities. The electronic frog toy station makes playful Ribbit sounds and plays music, with light-up Lily pads to delight your baby\'s eyes and ears. As baby grows, you can remove the bouncy pad and create a standing play table. Easily swap out the baby seat for our toy storage bag to help keep playtime sessions tidy. Babies and toddlers will love the 7 interactive pond-themed toys in this playful palms fashion, like the Dragonfly spinner and snail self-discovery mirror. With a space-saving pink-topia packed with activities, entertaining your growing kiddo is just a walk in the park!

2024-09-30 21:23:21

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