해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Disc Golf Set - Driver, Mid-Range and Putter Discs with Disc Golf Bag for Outdoor and Backyard, Comfortable Plastic, 6 Pack

상품번호 B08QF4S98Y
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상품가격 $21.99
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This discs golf set is perfect for new or professional players. you will find 6 of the most popular discs from the carrying bag, Easy to Throw Weights (150-180g), Colors and weights will vary.The disc models in this set allow you to hit the course and play your best from the get-go. Keep your drives in the fairway, throw reliable approaches, and make those center chain putts more often. Your scores will show the difference with the right discs in your hands.Ideal Discs Golf Set Includes: 2*Fairway Driver(Yellow), 2*Mid-Range(Blue), 2*Putter Disc(Red) ,also offers beginners a faster driver with more distance glide. Ideal for forehand throws and performs well into headwinds.Made with flexible plastic to give you the bend and distance you need in your game. perfect molds for distance, accuracy and flexibility.Perfect for starting children out with the wonderful outdoor game of disc golf. Disc Golf is an outdoor game for adults and children that is rising in immense popularity. These discs are not meant to thrown or caught like a normal flying disc.

2025-01-09 11:12:06

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