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Polymaker Matte PLA Filament 1.75mm White, 1.75 PLA 3D Printer Filament 1kg - PolyTerra 1.75 PLA Filament Matte White 3D Printing Filament

상품번호 B08QMJB48V
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상품가격 $19.99
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? 【Matte Finish】 - PolyTerra PLA is a 3D printing filament featuring an incredible matte surface finish that helps hide the layers of your print. PolyTerra PLA comes in more than 20 different colors. Selected color: White PLA filament 1.75mm ( PLA White Filament )? 【Tangle Free & Moisture Free】 - PolyTerra PLA is carefully winded to avoid any tangling issues, dried, and vacuum sealed in a resealable ziplock bag with desiccant. Please pass the filament through the fixed hole to avoid tangles after use?️ 【Advanced Properties】 - PolyTerra 1.75 PLA filament features good ductility, making it less brittle than usual PLA, perfect for printing some anime figures, daily decorations, bone models, lithophanes light, and so on✨ 【Easy Support Removal】 - PolyTerra PLA 3D printer filament White is designed to support itself and breakaway easily, saving your time and hassle during support removal♻️ 【Cardboard Spool】 - PolyTerra PLA 1.75 comes in fully recycled cardboard packaging and has been liked by hundreds of thousands of Polymaker customers⚙️ 【Printing Settings】 - Nozzle: 210˚C, Bed: 50˚C, Speed: 60 mm/s. Selected diameter: PolyTerra PLA 1.75mm filament White ( PLA filament White )⚠️ 【NOTE】 - Please use PVP (PolyVinylPyrrolidine) glue on the print bed if you have a bed adhesion issue. It\'s also recommended to use hardened nozzles and gear to print matte PLA

2024-02-13 10:08:41

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