해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DASH Tasti-Crisp™ Electric Air Fryer Oven, 2.6 Qt., Grey – Compact Air Fryer for Healthier Food in Minutes, Ideal for Small Spaces - Auto Shut Off, Digital, 1000-Watt

상품번호 B08QQSB15M
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상품가격 $59.99
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HEALTHIER FOOD – Dash Tasti-Crisp Air Fryer uses AirCrisp Technology instead of oil to cook vegetables, frozen foods and more, reducing added fat by 70-80%. It’s a must-have mini kitchen appliance and the grey air fryer looks great in any kitchen.QUICK AND EASY – This countertop air fryer is compact, sized for any kitchen and makes cooking healthy a breeze. Just load the air cooker nonstick basket, set the temp and timer and within minutes you have crispy food.PERSONAL AIR FRYER – Whether you’re cooking healthier for one or two or want an air fryer for dorm or RV, this small size is ideal. The mini air fryer doesn’t take up much room in a kitchen or dorm but has plenty of surface area inside the PTFE nonstick basket for food.CUSTOM PRESETS – Our digital air fryer includes three saved preset buttons and has a simple digital interface that allows you to choose from 200-400°F and up to 60 minutes. Also has an auto-shut off function to prevent overcooking and a cool touch handle.FAST, HEALTHIER FOOD - Healthy food doesn’t have to take hours. Whether you’re in between classes or just short on time, with this air cooker oven, you can fry, roast, bake, crisp and much more in minutes. Plus, it’s an easy clean air fryer.
Cook healthier, crispy food in a dash with Tasti-Crisp™ Air Fryer! This versatile electric air fryer uses AirCrisp® technology, cooking food with hot air instead of oil, reducing added fat by 70-80%. The convenient mini air fryer is sized for any kitchen, making it easy to store or sit on your countertop without taking up too much room. The ample 2.6 qt. capacity and redesigned Crisper Basket allows for greater surface area inside, ensuring perfectly crisp food, every time. Whether you’re cooking healthier for one or two or want a compact, mini air fryer for your dorm room or apartment, this size is ideal. The digital air fryer oven features three saved preset buttons that allows you to choose and save your favorite cooking settings. Plus, the easy-to-use digital interface allows for maximum control over time and temperature, from 200-400°F and up to 60 minutes. It also features an auto-shut off function that prevents overcooking and a cool touch handle. Perfect for cooking, roasting or baking your favorite vegetables and frozen foods, this is a must have air cooker fryer for any kitchen.

2024-05-15 10:46:10

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