해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Calamus Bastion Braided Fishing Line -Abrasion Resisting Braided Lines – Thin Diameter Superline – Zero Stretch – 4 Strand MultiTuf Fiber Braid Line

상품번호 B08QYYB22W
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상품가격 $9.99
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SUPERLINE - New Calamus Bastion Braided Fishing Lines are for fishing enthusiasts who want a strong, thin, abrasion resistant braided line at an affordable price for freshwater or saltwater fishing.TOUGH & STRONG – Bastion 4 Carrier Multituf Fiber fishing line braid features an aggressive diamond weave pattern that is extremely strong for its diameter and is abrasion resistant for fishing around heavy or hard cover.COLOR FADING RESISTANCE - Calamus Bastion braided line applies a special coating to the surface of the braid line, which is the best at preventing water absorption and color fading.GREAT CASTING FISHING LINE - If you need braid fishing line with exceptional features and great a casting fishing line, look no farther than Calamus Bastion Braided Line. It is MultiTuf UHMWPEf braid line that has a smooth finish for long, easy casts, and a thin diameter with great knot strength.ZERO STRETCH - Our braided fishing line has zero stretch for solid hook sets and low memory for less issues with bird nesting as your fishing line comes off the fishing reel. It lets you feel every nibble on your bait and every bump on the bottom.

2024-07-11 01:16:49

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