해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Artena Soup Bowls & Soup Spoons, 26 OZ Cereal Bowls & Cereal Spoons, Pho Bowls And Spoons Set, Ceramic Ramen Bowls, 6 inch White Breakfast Bowls For Kitchen, Set Of 4, Dishwasher & Microwave Safe

상품번호 B08QZBX568
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상품가격 $29.95
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【Just Proportional Size Spoons】We design and offer a right length Asian soup spoons with deep pocket to match this ramen bowls that not easy slip into your dish for your daily use and on entertainments. This brilliant pho bowls and spoons set have a clean and simple look yet extra sturdy and feels nice in your hands with bottom base design.【Extremely Versatile & Easy Match 】These elegant white cereal bowls for kitchen are just the right size for your needs, not too shallow, not too deep, good shape from breakfast cereal to ice cream, gumbo, chili, any favor stews. Timeless, classic but elegant white Chinese soup bowls with spoons won\'t go wrong with your other essential dinnerware.【Easy Clean & Real Stackable】Artena control the quality strictly from the material. BPA-FREE and NON-TOXIC. Pro-grade porcelain is more durable than normal stoneware. Design to real stackable, chip-resistant and won\'t worry get bend, oily, rough, or linger after wash or in heat. This smooth and anti-starched white porcelain ramen bowls with Asian soup spoons will stay shiny new and glazed for a long time.【Creative Gift Idea】Artena elegant white porcelain series essential pasta bowl set will delight your guests on holiday meals like family dinners, restaurant service and parties on any seasons. A Super idea as creative gifts for House warming, wedding shower, thanks giving day or Christmas, mothers day.【Strong package & After-service】All Artena products have undergone strict quality and safety tests. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us in time. We will provide 24-hour pre-sale and after-sale services. If you find that the product is broken or other problems, please contact us, we will provide you with free replacement or refund services.

2024-07-11 01:35:42

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