해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BBQ Gloves, Heat Resistant 1472℉ Oven Gloves, DEYAN Kitchen Silicone Non-Slip Oven Mitts, Outdoor Cooking Glove for Barbecue, Smoker & Camping 1 Pair, 12 Inch (Black Silicone)

상품번호 B08R3FDHX8
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Grills & Outdoor Cooking
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상품가격 $14.90
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►EXTREME HEAT & CUT RESISTANT - Our heat resistant cooking gloves can stably provide the ultra protection against heat up to 1472°F, When you are cooking, baking, smoker grill handling, Pefect to protect your hands from handling hot items►PREMIUM QUALITY MATERIAL - Our grill bbq gloves made of 3 layers of different materials. First layer non-toxic silicone for anti Slip. Second layer aramid fiber for high heat, cut resistance. Third layer polyester cotton for double protection & comfortable►ANTI-SLIP & FLEXIBLE - Our heat resistant gloves are covered with Food Grade Silicone to ensure your object would not slip from your hands. Five fingers design provide you More Flexibility. So give these oven gloves a try►UNIVERSAL SIZE GRILL GLOVES - Our oven gloves fits perfectly men and women hands and you can wear on both sides. The right cuff length can protect your wrist from heat when you are immersed in the joy of barbecue and oven►EASY TO WEAR, CLEAN & STORAGE - Machine washable and hand wash as you like. Loop in the inside cuff, when not in use, you can be hanged your oven gloves on a hook to store or dry

2024-10-31 23:13:43

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