해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ROSA JUNIO Comfy Pajama Pants for Women Casual Drawstring Floral Palazzo Lounge Pants Stretch Wide Leg Bottoms

상품번호 B08R3VQ5W8
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
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상품가격 $17.99
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ROSA JUNIO aims to provide the good experience to every customer that purchase our products. Pajamas for women has a wide elastic waistband with drawstring which can tight up freely, and are lightweight, soft ,breathable and comfortable. This womens wide leg pants is also as comfy pants women, comfy pajama pants, Lounge pants women, Loose pants for women, Postpartum pajamas, PJ pants, women pajamas, Sleep pants for women, Comfy pajamas for women. It is a great choice to wear it lounging around the house. All we want is to give you the most special and comfiest pants. Beautiful and lightweight, both pajamas pants and casual pants. We hope these soft pants could bring you happiness and comfort to you. If you have any questions or concerns, just let us know. It’s our pleasure to serve you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size information: S(US-4) :Waist:25.8"~27.3";Length:40.9" M (US-6) :Waist27.3"~28.9";Length:41.3" L(US-8) :Waist28.9"~30.4";Length:41.7" XL(US-10) :Waist30.4"~32";Length:42.1" XXL(US-12) :Waist32"~33.5";Length:42.5" XXXL(US-14) :Waist33.5"~35.1";Length:42.9" Please Allow 0.5-1 inch Difference Due to Manual Measurement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Information: Mary: Are these stretchy? Rosa Junio: Yes. They are super comfortable and have lots of stretch. Linda: Can you wear these out in public? Rosa Junio: Yes, of course. You can wear these casual pants out for yoga, vacation or beach. Karen: Are these super thin or thicker fabric? Rosa Junio: The fabric is thin but not too thin very cool and comfortable. Cathy: Do these pj pants have pockets? Rosa Junio: No they do not. They are super comfy though.

2025-01-09 03:48:40

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