해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Redragon M612 Predator RGB Gaming Mouse, 8000 DPI Wired Optical Gamer Mouse with 11 Programmable Buttons & 5 Backlit Modes, Software Supports DIY Keybinds Rapid Fire Button

상품번호 B08SJ5Z8JL
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상품가격 $19.99
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Pentakill, 5 DPI Levels - Geared with 5 redefinable DPI levels (default as: 500/1000/2000/3000/4000), easy to switch between different game needs. Dedicated demand of DPI options between 500-8000 is also available to be processed by software.Any Button is Reassignable - 11 programmable buttons are all editable with customizable tactical keybinds in whatever game or work you are engaging. 1 rapid fire + 2 side macro buttons offer you a better gaming and working experience.Comfort Grip with Details - The skin-friendly frosted coating is the main comfort grip of the mouse surface, which offers you the most enjoyable fingerprint-free tactility. The left side equipped with rubber texture strengthened the friction and made the mouse easier to control.5 Decent Backlit Modes - Turn the backlit on and make some kills in your gaming battlefield. The hyped dynamic RGB backlit vibe will never let you down when decorating your gaming space, it would be better with other Redragon accessories with lights on.Fatigue Killer with Ergonomic Design - Solid frame with a streamlined and general claw-grip design offers each gamer a satisfying and comfortable gaming experience with less fatigue even though after hours of use.

2024-02-13 17:35:32

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