해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Easyworkz Manual Coffee Grinder with Airtight Canister,Adjustable Setting,Stainless Steel burr Coffee Bean Mill Tool

상품번호 B08SM14542
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상품가격 $29.99
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Stainless SteelImported[Modern Ergonomic Design] With a sturdy stainless steel casting grinding mechanism with stainless steel container and solid wooden handle and lid.[Easy to Operate] Prepare flavorful freshly ground coffee conveniently, Simply place the coffee beans in the bowl of the coffee grinder,By adjusting the hex paddle clockwise and counterclockwise,you can precisely control the powder fineness of any desired brewing method,turn your favorite beans into fresh DIY coffee.[Airtight Storage] The airtight canister also help maintain the freshness of your coffee beans by keeping air out and free of harmful oxidation.ensures they remain fresh for a long time.So it is also perfect for storing coffee beans,nuts,loose leaf tea,sea salt,sugar,chia seeds, shredded coconut etc.[Enjoy Fresh Coffee] This grinder produces significantly less noise than electric grinders, which means you can enjoy fresh ground coffee and won’t disturb others. Comfortable and nature design with wood knob and cover . Different texture and color for each wood makes your grinder unique.[Well made and Inspected in Own Factory] Made and quality inspected in own factory. Over 10 years\' coffee maker manufacturing experience ensures its great quality and we provide 12 months quality guranteed after sale service.

2024-10-02 18:11:48

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