해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nerf Ultra Select Fully Motorized Blaster, Fire for Distance or Accuracy, Includes Clips and Darts, Outdoor Games and Toys, Automatic Electric Full Auto Toy Foam Blasters

상품번호 B08SYD2685
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Sports & Outdoor Play
브랜드 Brand: Nerf
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $49.00
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CHOOSE DISTANCE OR ACCURACY: Nerf Ultra Select blaster holds 2 clips and includes 10 Nerf Ultra distance darts and 10 Nerf Ultra accuracy darts. Move the clip selector to choose your clip. Ultra Nerf accessories.FULLY MOTORIZED DART BLASTING: Power up this fully motorized dart blaster and unleash Nerf darts with rapid-fire blasting (requires 6x 1.5v C batteries, not included)INCLUDES 2x 10-DART CLIPS and 20 DARTS: Nerf Blaster holds 2 clips. Load 10 Nerf Ultra distance foam darts into 1 clip, load 10 Nerf Ultra accuracy foam darts into the others clip, load both clips into the blasterLOAD DARTS AS YOU BLAST: The clips are designed so that you can load darts into them while they\'re still attached to the Nerf mortorized blaster, for less downtime needed to reloadBATTLE OUTDOOR GAMES: These Nerf blasters are action packed sport & outdoor play toys for 8 year old boys and girls and up. Make great gifts for teens that are fans of Nerf blasters.
Fire darts for distance or accuracy with the Nerf Ultra blaster! The Ultra Select blaster holds two 10-dart clips and includes 10 Nerf Ultra darts designed for distance and 10 Nerf Ultra darts designed for accuracy. A selector on the blaster lets you choose which clip you want to fire from, so you can switch between them as you battle. Take aim and rapid-fire darts from this fully motorized blaster! Hold down the acceleration button to power up the motor and press the trigger. You can load the clips as you play for less downtime to reload. The blaster fires Nerf Ultra distance darts up to 120 feet (36 meters)*. Nerf Ultra accuracy darts are the most accurate Nerf Ultra darts. Includes carry handle for portability. These make some awesome Nerf accessories. Nerf automatic Ultra blasters work only with Nerf Ultra darts. Requires 6x 1.5v C batteries, not included). Eyewear recommended (not included). This foam dart blaster is one of the most thrilling battle outdoor toys. These motorized Nerf Full Auto Blasters can be used as backyard toys and overall are just some cool toys for boys and girls. They make great birhday gifts for 8 year old boys and girls and up for those Nerf enthusiasts in your life. * Distances based on controlled testing, actual performance varies. Nerf and all related properties are trademarks of Hasbro.

2025-01-10 03:49:46

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