해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sliding Miter Saw with Double Speed (4500 RPM & 3200 RPM), SMADRON 10-Inch Chop Saw Single-bevel Compound Miter Saw with 15 Amp Motor, Laser, Iron Blade Guard, Bevel Cut (0°-45°)

상품번호 B08T181254
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: SMADRON
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

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【Dual Speed Adjustment】The SMADRON miter saw adopted in two speed (4500PRM&3200 RPM) to meet different cutting materials. The higher speed is ideal for wood, plastic, plywood and more. And the lower speed is ideal for metals like soft aluminum, soft steel and so on. It will provide smooth, accurate bevel and crosscuts in a variety of work-pieces.【Easier Bevel Cuts】 The extended table of this the miter saw offers a larger worktables to meet your requirement of large pieces cuts. A vice clamping device provide a better support and balance, increasing the stability during cutting. And the tall, pivoting aluminum fence increases the cutting capacity and accuracy, easily sliding out of the way for bevel cuts.【High Precision】 Adjustable bevel angle scale, with positive stop (0°, 15°, 30° and 45°), which can easily adjust the bevel angle ensures clear and accurate bevel cutting. It is also equipped with a visible laser indicator to improve cutting accuracy and predictable blade position. Simply aim the laser at the mark on the workpiece, and the saw blade will follow the laser guide to make precise cuts.【Safety Assurance】The comfortable horizontal handle has an elastomer grip to prevent slippage and that will keep the saw in your control at all times. Equipped with lock on button design, that is effectively prevent accidents at work. Meanwhile the strong iron toothed cover of the blade will protect you from accidental debris, creating a safe and comfortable working environment.【Rich Accessories】SMADRON miter saw is equipped with 2 blades: a 10" 40T regular blade for wood and plastic; a multifunctional 10" 48T blade for versatile use. It also comes with a allen wrench for easy blade replacement. And an efficient dust bag is equipped to collect more than 70% of the dust and particles produced, keeping your work environment clean and tidy. Richer accessories provide more possibilities for your operation.

2024-02-13 22:38:47

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