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Fujifilm Fujinon GF80mmF1.7 R WR

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상품가격 $1,799.00
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A NEW BENCHMARK IN LARGE FORMAT PHOTOGRAPHY LENSES: Start creating freely with the elegance and style of large format digital and the world’s fastest ever lens with autofocus (AF) for a medium or large format mirrorless digital camera system. GF80mmF1.7 R WR will help you create razor-sharp images in stunning high-resolution and give you absolute confidence that it will produce incredible results every time, even when the depth of field is shallow and the light levels are low.A RECIPE FOR PORTRAIT SUCCESS: GF80mmF1.7’s incredibly wide aperture works together with the GFX imaging sensor, which is almost twice as large as that of full frame cameras, to provide an unparalleled level of image quality for anyone passionate about making portraits. The beautifully smooth bokeh produced by this combination creates astounding separation between a subject and its background that results in truly mesmerizing and unforgettable images.THE PERFECT COMPANION IN THE STUDIO AND BEYOND: Seamlessly step from the studio to an offsite location and be assured that GF80mmF1.7’s compact design will be up to the task. At just 3.9 inches (99.2mm) long and weighing approximately 1.75lb (795g) this lens will be sure to accompany you on plenty of excursions. Whether it’s documenting fast-paced weddings or demanding days on location, enjoy the image quality of large format digital with the freedom of mirrorless like neverbefore.ACHIEVE ULTIMATE QUALITY: Designed to realize the full resolution of GFX imaging sensors, GF80mmF1.7 consistently delivers wide-open, edge-to-edge sharpness where you want it, while nine rounded diaphragm blades ensure irresistible bokeh where you don’t. Comprised of 12 elements in nine groups, including one aspherical and two ED elements to ensure each pixel is perfectly resolved, GF80mmF1.7 R WR upholds Fujinon’s reputation for creating precise and outstanding optics with incredible image quality.BE FREE TO PURSUE PERFECTION: Such a lightweight, compact, and portable design means you’re going to want to take GF80mmF1.7 R WR everywhere. That’s why it has been designed to withstand the toughest conditions. Its durable and rugged construction benefits from internal seals which provide dust- and weather-resistance that can operate in temperatures as low as 14°F (-10°C). Add a fluorine coating to the front lens element, which is water-, dust-, and dirt-repellent, and you have a professional optic that is ready to frame perfection, wherever you find it.
With its super-wide aperture of F1.7, GF80mmF1.7 R WR heralds a new era in large format digital image-making. Until now, it has not been possible to use autofocus, at such a wide aperture, on a medium or large format digital mirrorless system. This not only creates huge opportunities for wedding and portrait photographers on location, it opens new possibilities for image-makers of other genres as well. Spectacular edge-to-edge sharpness even at its widest aperture, combined with stunning bokeh, deliver images of outstanding quality. And with a portable, weather-resistant body, GF80mmF1.7 R WR lets you finally stop dreaming about the images that you could be making and start thinking about the images you will be making.

2024-07-10 23:54:19

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