해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bruntmor 3.8 Quart Enamel Cast Iron Dutch Oven With Handles And Lid, 3.8 Qt Black Cast Iron Skillet, Enamel Shallow Cookware Braising Pan For Casserole Dish, Crock Pot Covered With Cast Iron- Black

상품번호 B08TRVLG6N
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상품가격 $55.99
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Versatile Cookware Selection: Discover a versatile range of cast iron cookware, including dutch ovens, enameled cast iron skillets, and braising pans with lids to tackle various cooking tasks.Exceptional Heat Distribution: Achieve precise cooking results with our cast iron pots, such as the 3.8-quart dutch oven, designed for even heat distribution, ensuring your dishes come out perfectly every time.Multi-Top Compatibility and Oven Safe: Bruntmor\'s cast iron cookware is compatible with gas, electric, and induction stovetops, and it\'s oven-safe, withstanding temperatures up to 500°F (200°C).Durable Acid-Resistant Coating: Our cookware features an acid-resistant coating that safeguards both the cookware and your ceramic glass stove\'s surface, ensuring long-lasting performance.Elegant Design, Perfect Gifts: Elevate your kitchen with our stylish dutch ovens and skillets, making them ideal gifts for any occasion, from holidays to birthdays.

2024-02-13 09:55:11

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